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November Newsletter

November Newsletter


HALLOWEEN is this Thursday. Reminder students CANNOT wear their costume to school.  They must bring their costume and we will allow student to put their costumes on before the parade. 

On Thursday, Oct 31st, we will be hosting our annual Halloween Parade outside at 2:30pm.  Parents are welcome to come observe the parade.  Please stand out the outside of the fence along the playground and grassy area.  

After the parade, students will return to school and be dismissed from their classroom doors.

Please make sure your child’s costume follows the District Guidelines attached. 

District Halloween Guidelines


Important Upcoming Dates

  • Friday, November 1-NO School, Staff workday
  • Monday, November 11-NO School, Veterans’ Day holiday
  • Tuesday, November 12-4th grade field trip, 9:00-1:30
  • Thursday, November 14-Picture Retake day
  • Thursday, November 14-Math Night, 4:30-6:00 pm
  • Mon., Nov. 25-Fri., Nov. 29-NO School, Thanksgiving Break
  • Friday, December 6-5th grade field trip, 9:00-2:00

Community Liaison

                    Hello! My name is Mireya Ramirez, the Family Outreach Liaison . This is my fourth year working at Thornton Elementary. I am excited to be part of this awesome team. As a mother I understand the importance of creating a nurturing environment, and my goal is to ensure that every child feels a sense of belonging. My job is to help and support families in any way possible to connect with the right resources. This school year my goal is to increase parents' involvement with their child’s academic success. Also by participating and attending school activities/ events and engaging in community activities. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you all  and helping/ supporting you in any way that I can. 

Please feel free to contact me at 720-972-5665 

SEL Corner

Navigating how to support our young children with their mental health can be challenging, stressful, and overwhelming. Mental Health Partners in partnership with Clinica Family Health & Wellness are providing a free online meeting for caregivers on Friday, November 8, 1-2:30pm MST. At this meeting, Community Health Worker Child and Family Specialist Jen Nelson will discuss evidence-based strategies to support kids’ mental health. Registration is required. Click the following link to register:


Community Flyers for Services, Activities and Resources

View this month’s flyers from community organizations offering various services, activities and resources for families. Community Flyers